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Hello world!

May 8, 2011

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One Comment
  1. Several years ago, I taught a Bible study class to a group of high school girls. In this class, we read through the Old Testament in nine months. I gave the girls a syllabus of what chapters should be read each day and asked them to make at least three notes of what struck them in the reading for each day. I told them the notes could be questions, or comments, or just a particular line that stood out to them.

    I thought it would be interesting to do this with the book, My Daily Catholic Bible, for a year.

    I am not starting at the first of the year, but in the middle. I think anyone can join at any time. The wonderful thing about this is if you miss a day or week, you can just join back in. Next year will always come around and you can do the readings you missed then.

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